Forum Discussion

Mosh's avatar
Icon for Professor rankProfessor
5 years ago

Alert Widget: Show alert rows in SDT with different color

The Alert widget shows acknowledged alert rows with a pale blue background.  Please also do a similar thing for alert rows that are within an SDT period.  I would suggest a pale violet or green, definitely not any hue of yellow, orange or red, as they would be confused with alert severities.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    That would be nice.

    I'm curious as to why you show SDT alerts in the same widget. I've found that most of the time when I see that kind of thing, there are two widgets, one showing actual alerts and the other showing "expected" alerts. 

  • 19 hours ago, Stuart Weenig said:

    That would be nice.

    I'm curious as to why you show SDT alerts in the same widget. I've found that most of the time when I see that kind of thing, there are two widgets, one showing actual alerts and the other showing "expected" alerts. 

    Screen real-estate. Also, it's visually useful for Ops to have the alerts together. In separate widgets they may not make mental connections between SDT alerts and unexpected real alerts.