Forum Discussion

LMJBierman's avatar
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2 years ago

New LogicMonitor Admin? Start Here!

If you are new to working with LogicMonitor - this is the thread for you. We’ve compiled a list of helpful training resources to get you started on your path to become a LogicMonitor expert!

The Basics:

New to LM? Start here with the LogicMonitor Certified Associate (LMCA) program.

NOTE: course content is free in the training portal but access to certification exams does come at a cost and can be purchased in the portal.

*MSP Partners: Please access the LMCA certification for no cost through*

Estimated Prep Time: 3-4 hours

Other basic courses:

Advanced Training

Familiar with LM? Try our advanced certification program.

We recommend this course for users of LM who have completed the LMCA and have extensive experience with the product. Training content is free but certification exams must be purchased.

*MSP Partners: Please access the LMCP certification at no cost through*

Estimated Prep Time: 6-8 hours

Other Intermediate & Advanced Courses:

Ongoing Learning

LogicMonitor offers webinars designed for all users. Each session focuses on a different key area of the product or provides an open-format Q&A session.

Click here to register for any future webinars.

You can view recordings of past webinars within the training portal.

 You can access our training through your LogicMonitor portal in the upper right-hand corner.

Additional Resources:

Product Discussions


LM Academy

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