Forum Discussion

Tom_Lasswell's avatar
9 years ago

VMware_vCenter_ObjectCount datasource modification

There's a datasource in the LM repository for VMware_vCenter_ObjectCount. It just pulled the static number of VMs (and other things) but it's useful to know how many are powered off vs powered on.

Attaching to help the community :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<feed  version="1.0" hasPendingRequests="false" >
    <entry type="predatasource">
        <displayedas>vCenter Object Count</displayedas>
        <description>number of VMs/Hosts/Datacenters/Networks servers attached to vCenter</description>
        <appliesTo>system.virtualization =~ &#34;VMware ESX vcenter&#34;</appliesTo>
            <value>import java.util.*;
import com.vmware.vim25.*;
import com.santaba.agent.util.esx.EsxVcService;
host = hostProps.get(&#34;system.hostname&#34;);
user = hostProps.get(&#34;esx.user&#34;);
pass = hostProps.get(&#34;esx.pass&#34;);

url = String.format(&#34;https://%s/sdk&#34;, host);
svc = EsxVcService.connect(url, user, pass, 10 * 1000); // timeout in 10 seconds
si = svc.getServiceInstance();
rootFolder = si.getRootFolder();
navigator = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder);
ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities(true);
ManagedEntity[] ves = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities(&#34;VirtualMachine&#34;);

hostCount  = 0;
dcCount    = 0;
netCount   = 0;
vmCount    = 0;
dsCount    = 0;
vmOnCount  = 0;
vmOffCount = 0;

ves.each {
	powerstate = it.getRuntime().getPowerState();
	if (powerstate.toString().startsWith(&#34;poweredOn&#34;)) { vmOnCount++;}
	if (powerstate.toString().startsWith(&#34;poweredOff&#34;)) { vmOffCount++;}

for ( int i = 0; i &#60; mes.length; i++)

    if (mes.toString().startsWith(&#34;HostSystem:&#34;))
    else if (mes.toString().startsWith(&#34;Datacenter:&#34;))
    else if (mes.toString().startsWith(&#34;VirtualMachine:&#34;))
    else if (mes.toString().startsWith(&#34;Datastore:&#34;))
    else if (mes.toString().startsWith(&#34;Network:&#34;))


println &#34;hosts: &#34; + hostCount;
println &#34;vms: &#34; + vmCount;
println &#34;datacenters: &#34; + dcCount;
println &#34;datastores: &#34; + dsCount;
println &#34;networks: &#34; + netCount;
println &#34;vmsOn: &#34; + vmOnCount;
println &#34;vmsOff: &#34; + vmOffCount;

            <alertexpr>delta|&#62; 0</alertexpr>
            <alertsubject>##hostname## has had a change in connected ESXi hosts</alertsubject>
            <alertbody>The datapoint ##DATAPOINT##/##DATASOURCE## of ##INSTANCE## on ##HOST## is reporting ##LEVEL## as of ##START##

The number of ESXi hosts managed by the vCenter server ##HOST## has changed to ##VALUE##, which is a change from its last polled value. 

Remediation Steps:
   - Check for corresponding &#34;no data&#34; alerts from the ESXi host that disconnected.
   - Check vCenter (##HOSTNAME##) for disconnected hosts. 

Note, this alert will clear fairly quickly, however this does not mean that the problem is resolved. This is due to this being a delta alert. The corresponding &#34;no data&#34; alert will clear only once the host has come back into service in vCenter.</alertbody>
            <description>number of ESX/vSphere hosts managed by this vCenter</description>
            <alertbody>The number of datastores managed by vCenter server ##HOST## has changed to ##VALUE##, which is a change from its last polled value. Consider investigating vSphere server health if this wasn&#39;t an anticipated change.

This started at ##START## -- or ##DURATION## ago.</alertbody>
            <description>number of datastores managed by this vCenter</description>
            <alertbody>The number of virtual networks managed by vCenter server ##HOST## has changed to ##VALUE##, which is a change from its last polled value. Consider investigating vSphere server health if this wasn&#39;t an anticipated change.

This started at ##START## -- or ##DURATION## ago.</alertbody>
            <description>number of networks managed by this vCenter</description>
            <alertbody>The number of VMs managed by vCenter server ##HOST## has changed to ##VALUE##, which is a change from its last polled value. Consider investigating vSphere server health if this wasn&#39;t an anticipated change.

This started at ##START## -- or ##DURATION## ago.</alertbody>
            <description>number of VMs managed by this vCenter</description>
            <alertexpr>delta|&#62; 0</alertexpr>
            <alertbody>The number of powered on virtual machines managed by this vCenter server ##HOST## has changed to ##VALUE##, which is a change from its last polled value. 

This started at ##START##.</alertbody>
            <name>Object Count</name>
            <title>Object Count</title>
                <legend>Virtual Networks</legend>