Forum Discussion

Simon_O_Sulliva's avatar
11 years ago

visual event correlation/status overview widget

Hello, It would nice to get a visual overview of items that have been in error over the last 24 hours. Attached are some screen shots examples

What I would like to be able to do is for say a given host/group folder right click and say \'\'show correlation\'\'

This would display a grid where the Y-axis was hosts in that group and the X-axis would be time (last 24 hours). The grid would be filled with squares indicating the following

Green - host had no errors during that time

Yellow - host had warnings during that time

red - host had errors during that time.

grey - could be monitoring error or unknown

(see the attached group correlation image)

So maybe I see that a particular host had an error last night, I could go to that host in logic monitor and then righ click and \'\'show correlation\'\' for that particular host. that would again show a grid with Y-axis as the datapoint, and X-axis time. See the attached device correlation image.

These correlation graphs could be displayed as dashboard widgets or generated as reports as well. It could be even better by giving the ability to adjust the time period, but I find 24 hours generally ok.
