text data display improvements
Right now, certain types of monitoring are literally impossible with LM because everything must either be a number an enum (mapped to a predetermined list of status results). Some valid monitoring results are best represented as text and useless without it. For example, we check for Cisco IOS crashes as follows:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -C %snmp_community:public% -o . -H -l "Reload Reason" -R "reload|power-on|power cycle|Stateful Switchover|redundancy reset|\"\""
Not having a text output method leads either to "it cannot be done" or contortions to try to map text to enums somehow, if that even makes sense. I do understand this is non-trivial with time series data, but it is not impossible. It could be done with a simple compression algorithm using a generated index valuer assigned to each new text string and numbers still used for time series. The difference is each number could be remapped to its original text later for display purposes. In the above example, we could still monitor for an abnormal restart, but we would have no way to know what the restart reason was in LM -- you would have to login to the device or manually pull the OID to do so.