Forum Discussion

Erik_Van_Der_Pl's avatar
11 years ago

Supporting SNI for Logic Monitor Agents

Microsoft products like ADFS 3.0 and WAP are default using a SNI configuration.

This means that multiple \'\'hostnames\'\' with different certificates can be bound on 1 port (for example 443).

Using SNI for ADFS 3.0 or WAP, default no fallback certificate is configured.

In case of Logic Monitor, which does not support SNI, will fail and return a code 5 \'\'CantConnect\'\' on the HTTPS Datasource.

A fallback certificate will ensure that port 443 always will connect to a configured certificate, by using netsh http set sslcert.

Configuring a fallback certificate can raise a security threat for your environment and managing an environment with such configurations is a lot harder.