Standard "Percent Used" Datapoints for Graphs (Mem and CPU)
Today to create a graph that shows you trends for overall memory and CPU utilization as a percent of total available it\'s a lot of custom work. I think this is a very standard and important datapoint that should be a default for all hosts. An example of this is on our Orchestration app servers we have to use the following datapoints to produce a graph that shows % used for memory and/or CPU
(this is just for one host in the cluster)
3 normal datapoints: (All NetSNMPMem)
Total Real
2 Virtual Datapoints:
"Used" = Total - Avail - Cached
"% Used" = 100*"Used"/Total
I think it would be really useful to make this a default data point so that you can trend total used overtime as a percent without having do to this math for every host. I looked around to see if I was doing this in an awkward way and it looks like this is the right way to do it.