7 years ago
SQL Mirror DB alerting
We have a unique SQL setup that is using mirroring. How can we configure LM to not show the databases that are in (Mirror, Sychronized/Restoring...) mode as not 'down'.
Well this explains why I didn't see a response yet. Apparently I forgot to hit the submit button... It is the SQL Database Instance and the Datapoint is the State. Since they are mirrored, they are reporting in SQL either as (Principle, Synchronized) or (Mirror, Synchronized/Restoring...) We do see some that show up as Suspended which we would need to report on. I think we need to change this to alert on the state value of anything other than 1. Windows SQL Server Database MSSQLSERVER/SXXX_XA_Site on s6xs.mysite.com is no longer in a healthy online operating state, and has reported an operating state of 1.0, placing the database into critical state. Status Codes: 0 = Online, 1 = Restoring, 2 = Recovering, 3 = Recovery Pending, 4 = Suspect, 5 = Emergency, 6 = Offline, 7 = Copying (Azure SQL Database), 10 = Offline-Secondary (Azure SQL Database)