I found this impossible without an API script. I initially wrote one to address the non-group-ness of instance groups (like groups of drives), but my script handles device groups, DSes and DS instances, too. No idea if/when anything like that will be possible in the UI, but at least there is an API approach possible! The logic is in the code below, though this relies on a module I wrote to encapsulate the API access stuff. Still, hopefully useful.
verbose 2, "scanning device group $DEVICEGROUP\n";
if (my $groups = $lmapi->get_all(path => "/device/groups", filter => "name:$DEVICEGROUP")) {
if (@$groups == 1) {
my $devices = $lmapi->get_all(path => "/device/groups/$groups->[0]->{id}/devices");
for my $device (@$devices) {
my $deviceName = $device->{displayName};
verbose 2, "scanning device $deviceName\n";
my $devicedatasources = $lmapi->get_all(path => "/device/devices/$device->{id}/devicedatasources", filter=>"dataSourceName:$DATASOURCENAME");
for my $devicedatasource (@$devicedatasources) {
my @dsfilter;
if (defined $INSTANCEGROUP) {
@dsfilter = ( filter=>"groupName${INSTANCEGROUPOP}${INSTANCEGROUP}" );
my $instances = $lmapi->get_all(path => "/device/devices/$device->{id}/devicedatasources/$devicedatasource->{id}/instances", @dsfilter);
for my $instance (@$instances) {
my $alertsettingspath = "/device/devices/$device->{id}/devicedatasources/$devicedatasource->{id}/instances/$instance->{id}/alertsettings";
if (my $alertsettings = $lmapi->get_all(path => $alertsettingspath, filter=>"dataPointName:$DATAPOINTNAME")) {
my $myAlertExpr = $alertsettings->[0]->{alertExpr};
for my $alertsetting (@$alertsettings) {
verbose 2, sprintf(" current alert settings: %s: alertExpr=%s\n", $alertsetting->{dataSourceInstanceAlias}, $myAlertExpr);
my $content;
if (not defined $ALERTEXPR) {
$content = to_json({ });
elsif ($ALERTEXPR ne $myAlertExpr) {
$content = to_json({ alertExpr => $ALERTEXPR });
if (defined $content) {
verbose 1, "committing change to $device->{displayName}:$alertsetting->{dataSourceInstanceAlias}:${DATASOURCENAME}:${DATAPOINTNAME}\n\t$content\n";
if ($DRYRUN) {
print qq(put(path => "$alertsettingspath/$alertsettings->[0]->{id}", content => $content)), "\n";
else {
$lmapi->put(path => "$alertsettingspath/$alertsettings->[0]->{id}", content => $content);
else {
warn "ERROR: failed to get alertsettings: path = $alertsettingspath\n";
else {
warn "ERROR: found @{[scalar @$groups]} device groups when enumerating device group: $DEVICEGROUP\n";
else {
warn "ERROR: unable to enumerate device group: $DEVICEGROUP\n";