Forum Discussion

Heather_Lasher's avatar
11 years ago

Services options/minor enhancements in the new UI

Items 1 + 2 make it rather annoying to find services with long names as you have to constantly resize or toggle the Service list.

  • In the new Services UI beta:

    There appears to be large right margin HTML padding in the services list (the left column). On my screen, it\'s over an inch wide. If I make the column width too narrow, it starts truncating the words with ellipses (as expected), but there\'s over an inch between the ellipses and the scroll bar itself.When you resize the the left column (the list of services), the main pane does not automatically scale with it until you hide and then unhide that column.The option to change the “Results per page†quantity should be like what the new Alerts UI has.The automatic refresh rate on all screens on the new UI (Dashboards, Alert, and Services) should have adjustable refresh times. It feels like it\'s only a few minutes currently, and if I am working steadily in a given view, it feels like I am being interrupted for a few seconds every few minutes.The font sizes should affect row height as well, allowing us to have really dense screens if needed.The font choice for all of the new pages is a very wide font. And the titles and tabs fonts are huge! Switching to a taller thinner font with an overall smaller font size would fit much more detail per column.Very minor: considering that we have left hand navigation in every screen, having the Manage button on the left would save sweeping all the way to the right, then all the way back for making edits (which never end when you have 400+ hosts).Along these lines, I think that there is merit that the \'\'more\'\' dropdown always be at the end of whatever list of data selectors you have chosen. As an example, one of the most used filters that I use is Severity. When I add it, it\'s down there lonely all by itself. It seems to make sense that all of the data selectors would flow nicely within a row and wrap to the next line only if necessary. If you were to get all nutty, allowing users to reorder the filters would be the bomb. That would allow users to place them in rank according to their usage patterns.

    The screen density suggestions are coming from someone that will very likely never run LoMo via a small screened mobile device and is way more interested in quantity of information than it being pretty or touch friendly. If I ever ran it from a mobile device, it would be via a dedicated app that is specifically designed to aggregate and format data for a small screen.

    This post is about needs to the new screens, but I\'d like to give props to LoMo. The filter idea in general is awesome. Love the dropdowns and search ability. The icons next to each service showing it\'s status is pretty darn awesome. Keep all of those ideas going related to \'\'data at a glance\'\'.