Forum Discussion

thanh_rodke's avatar
11 years ago

SDT datasource at the group level

Would like the option to SDT specific datasources by group.

For instance, our IT staff generally operate our VMs as lean as possible. However, when backups run at night, we tax the CPU pretty hard. Being able to SDT in one place for the CPU datasource for all servers in the backup group for 2-3 hours per night would be awesome.

Currently, they have to set SDT on over 50 hosts individually, and if the backup window changes, they have to adjust all 50 of those manually again.

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  • You can do this now.rnWhen you right click a group in the host tab, you can select Manage Schedule Downtime.rnThis looks like the Manage Schedule downtime on the host or instance level, but it has an extra field allowing you to select the datasource:rnLogicMonitor_-_demo_-_Manage_Hosts_2.pngrn rnThis will default to setting the SDT on all datasources (everything on all hosts in the group), but you can select a specific datasource to the apply the SDT to. If you do this, all other datasources will alert as normal.

  • Steve, great info as always. Fast and accurate answers, thats one of the things we love most about LogicMonitor!