Forum Discussion

Mosh's avatar
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6 years ago

Restore ability to view Widget ID

We seem to have lost the ability to view the ID of a dashboard widget.  Previously I was able to see this somewhere in the widget configuration view.  Please restore the widget ID back into the widget configuration view. We use this to find the ID of a widget to use with the REST APIs.

  • HI Mosh,

    Sorry about that! When we updated the widget sharing to use token authentication, it changed how that ID is presented. You can still get that widget ID by generating a Widget Embedded URL, and the widget ID will be at the end of the link you copy. Obviously, not ideal, since you have to create a token just to see the widget ID, but it's a workaround to get that ID in the meantime. 

    For your use case, would it be most helpful to have Widget ID displayed as an independent field in the configuration?