Rest API Raw Data Processing using Powershell
Here's a chunk of code for tokenizing the raw data returned from the REST API into something easier to use in powershell for processing / report generation. $response is the return from the invoke-restmethod call:
<# Objectify Data Points #>
$dataCounters = @{}
$index = 0
$dataPoints = $
while ( $index -lt $ ) {
$time = $[$index]
$value = $[$index]
$dataPointCounter = 0
while ( $dataPointCounter -lt $dataPoints ) {
$dataCounters[$[$dataPointCounter]] += @(@{
"time" = $time
"value" = $value[$dataPointCounter]
Now we can access an individual data point with $dataCounters.datasourcename... in my case, I was getting RAM info for a VM: $dataCounters.freePhsyicalMemory gets me an array of dictionaries that I can loop through:
foreach ( $counter in $dataCounters.freePhsyicalMemory ) {
write-output "$($counter.time) - $($counter.value)"
Or filter with $dataCounters.freePhsyicalMemory | where time -gt 1553695107000
I can still access the full list of values or times via $dataCounters.freePhysicalMemory.Value or $dataCounters.freePhysicalMemory.Time
<Moderators: feel free to move this elsewhere. I don't have access to the tips/tricks part of the board>