Forum Discussion
We really like the small/medium/large presents for the Collector templates, but we've noticed in our usage, that for us, there's two sets of additional Collector configuration changes we make based on whether the collector is doing primarily a large amount of purely snmp queries or if it's doing a large amount of pings and tcp pings to specific ports, so we have to "tailor" our collectors based on the devices in use on that collector.
If it was possible for us to add to the LogicMonitor supplied Collector templates of small/medium/large with additional "templates" specific to our instance of LogicMonitor, it would make the collector deployments extremely fast.
At the moment, we have to spend time after each collector installation doing large copy & paste of collector configuration templates.
There are other ways to do this with configuration engines like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, but it makes sense to keep that type of information within the LM interface.