Forum Discussion

Nate_Amsden's avatar
11 years ago

Provide means to link directly to graph or dashboard

Originally requested in support ticket #17037, also requested verbally of our account manager during eval.

Would like the ability to go to a graph, or go to a dashboard, customize it (in the various ways LM allows you like change time scale, select or de-select items from the graphs , zoom in etc) then generate a link that can go directly to this graph or dashboard and see the *exact* same thing as you see. Right now I would have to tell the user which dashboard to go to, and have them make all of the settings to match what I am seeing to get the same results.

For links directly to graphs bonus points if you can give the option to view a graph without having a LM account, so I could send it to anyone in the company and they could see it and I wouldn\'t have to download the graph image and attach it to an email.

I can imagine linking to a dashboard would likely require authentication and that would be fine since it is a much more complex operation than a single graph.

The closest comparison to this that I can think of is in the SaaS product NewRelic, where on most/many/all? (I don\'t use it often) pages there is a \'\'Permalink\'\' button you can hit and it will give you this exact link to send to someone else.

Another nice thing to have would be some sort of link expiration, either automatic say after 1 week the link goes away, or user controlled so I could define how long the link is valid for.

Another product that does this is Splunk, where you can perform a search, and get a link directly to the results so users can see the results w/o having to re-run the search and select time frames etc. In splunk\'s case at least these links are valid for 1 week (not sure if it is adjustable or not). Not sure how long new relic\'s links are valid for if they expire at all.