Forum Discussion

Kris_Wolton's avatar
11 years ago

Peak utilization alerting


One of our customers have asked if we can implement alerting for their switches based on peak bandwidth over time. For example.

Switch Port 1 - >80% - 5 minutes - warning

Switch Port 1 >80% - 10 minutes - error

Switch Port 1 >80% - 20 minutes - critical

  • Hi Kris,rn rnYou would need 3 different datapoints with 3 different thresholds and Alert Transition Inverval settings to achieve this.rnIf your datasource were collecting once every minute (our current highest supported polling resolution) then you would have your datapoints defined the same way, with their alerting configurations as such:rn rn1. name: utilization_warn , threshold: > 80 , alert transition interval: 5rn2. name: utilization_error , threshold: > 80 80 , alert transition interval: 10rn3. name utilization_critical , threshold: > 80 80 80, alert transition interval: 20rn rnPlease let me know if you have any other questions. rn rnJoseph Skup.rnLogicMonitor Support