Forum Discussion

David_Jenkins's avatar
11 years ago

Ops Notes

Hi Ops Note are a great idea but not very usable it their current form as only Administrators can use them. Ops Notes should be a role or user assignable feature so they anybody can potentially use them. To make them granular there should be a further split between being able to add/edit them and being read only for searching purposes.

In addition, OpsNotes should be able to be host or group assignable. In our case we monitor host in geographically different locations and an OpsNote for one environment should NOT show up on graphs for the other.

Hopefully you can put some more work into this feature with urgency as it has many uses.


  • Agreed. Please implement in this manner. Currently, this feature is useless to us. I would like to be able to use it so I can see what happens to a group of machines when an API is called by a maintenance script.

    Thank you.

  • +1 for being able to make notes that apply to just one host or host group.  I cant think of many events that I would be relevant to all or most of my systems, but lots of things I would want to mark on just one host or cluster.

  • I raised a feature request for this a while ago. Yeah we have multiple clients in our portal and adding oppsnotes would be a data protection issue as they may contain server names or details we shouldnt reveal to other clients. Also why would they need to know about an incident that occurred on another clients system?

  • This is a much needed feature for us too. Our situation is very similar to Kris.

  • Has there been any update on this feature request. I think most of us are living in a SaaS world and have similar concerns about data being visible between installs or products which aren't relevant. Something I'd like to be able to see addressed in addition to ops notes per group of servers (i.e. deployment for app A vs. B), I'd like to see OpsNotes for particular services being monitored.

  • Hi Kevin-

    We discuss this regularly, and agree with the needed enhancements. We're working out some of the kinks with the beta UI view as well as the much needed widgets and architecture changes. One of the architecture changes relates to how we store OpsNotes, once this is complete we should be in a better position to enable you to auto tag OpsNotes based on Devices, Instance, Users, etc. for more granular control.

    In the meantime, OpsNotes are only visible to administrators, to quell any fears of them being viewed by an unintended party. Their display can also be controlled by searching by tags and hiding / viewing accordingly.

    Thanks for your patience -


  • Is there any update on this feature request being broken out to individual project based? Adding tags specific to projects would work but I don't see that option available currently. For instance, with AWS systems I have and but can't select those in Ops Notes. Also, would the on-premises version of a similar tagging on Devices be a custom group level property ala or system.tag.

  • Hi Kevin - It's on the short list of things we are hoping to tackle. I'm hoping we can get to it mid next year - but promise it has not been forgotten.

  • Mike_Suding's avatar
    Former Employee

    OpsNotes have the capability to apply to specified scope and you can permissions (view/manage) in Roles. see screenshot