Forum Discussion

Leska_Levada's avatar
6 years ago

No SNMP data is being reported....

Good evening, dear friends.

I am a new admin Logic Monitor app and I just diving into support\configuration devices for monitoring.

I have one question. Now, within LM have a device, which sholud generate snmp traps to monitoring. I have checked properties of device and as I anderstend they are correct. But when I see Alarms on web portal, I see error like this:

Alert Message:


LMD41691 warn - HRH TE Spectrum: Sector 3 - Host 5 SNMP Response failing
ID: LMD41691
No SNMP data is being reported from HRH TE Spectrum: Sector 3 - Host 5
Check that the snmp community has not been changed, either on the device or within LogicMonitor.
If the SNMP credentials are correct, check that a firewall is not blocking SNMP access to this device from the LogicMonitor agent.

This started at 2019-01-11 04:10:35 EST.


So, I use terminl window of collector and there execute command for check status about device, I get answer:

$ !snmpwalk timeout=300
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Waiting... This may take up to 10 minutes.
Walking OID from host=, version=v2c, port=161, pdu timeout=30 seconds, walk timeout=300 seconds:

Encounter error when walk the oid(, errorMsg=Request timed out. Encounter error when walk the oid(, errorMsg=Request timed out.
    at com.santaba.agent.util.async.SNMPClient._handleTreeEvent(
    at com.santaba.agent.util.async.SNMPClient.access$700(
    at com.santaba.agent.util.async.SNMPClient$3.finished(
    at org.snmp4j.util.TreeUtils$TreeRequest.onResponse(
    at org.snmp4j.Snmp$
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


Please, tell me, what I should do for solve my problem.

Many thanks.

  • There is two main types of SNMP checks. There is your SNMP Get/Walk and there is SNMP Traps. They work very differently. SNMP Get/Walk is where LogicMonitor will directly query your device for state/performance data, this is what most of LogicMonitor wants to use, is the best option and what !snmpwalk does. There is also SNMP Traps where you setup the device to send out alerts to the monitoring system. The setup for each of these are completely different. Many devices support both but some devices only support SNMP Traps (looking at you EMC).

    If the device supports SNMP Get/Walk, there is likely a section for this on the device config separate from the SNMP Trap section. Also you may need to white-list the IP address of the collector on the device.

    If the device only supports SNMP Trap, you can still set it up in LogicMonitor but it's far more limited: