Forum Discussion

Merv's avatar
12 years ago

Netflow on Logic Monitor - Features request

Originally from ticket #10714.


It would be useful if netflow had a set of search criteria boxes to be added that may contain elements such as source or destination IP address or application/port number this can be used to query the database and retrieve all activities related to a specific host for a given period of time.

An option to click on a chosen application or node to view all related conversation taking place for that particular host/application for a selected period of time.

An option to explicitly set the line speed for a specific destination and to manipulate reports to view traffic utilisation percentages on that destination for a selected period of time.


Tisha Levy | Client Services Manager

P: 1-888-415-6442, ext. 584

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  • I think this would be a great idea. ATM, netflow is very limited in logicmonitor. While we would like too keep everthing in the same consoleapplication we may have to invest in something like netflow analyser. If LogicMonitor could add something of that level to the console that would be awesome

  • This is done in the most recent netflow refresh, in the new UI.  Note that the As percentage of line speed idea is not - Ill open a separate ticket for that.

  • Mike_Suding's avatar
    Former Employee

    A new Filters feature was added recently. Filters can now be created for specific IP address, source ports, destination ports, etc. more info here