6 years ago
Multiple Collectors
I was wondering in what the scenario would you need more than one collector deployed in an environment.
Also would you suggest a virtual appliance that sits in the datacenter or ...
Yeah, it depends far more on what you are monitoring per device then the number of devices you have. Monitoring all the shares on a windows file server via WMI will put more load then doing SNMP on a switch.
I personally don't have a lot of experience in balancing collectors myself and Auto-Balanced Collector Groups (ABCG) are very new and I haven't played with them. I would likely setting up 1 (or 2 for failover) in an auto-balanced group per site and then grow with more collectors as needed. But as I haven't used ABCG perhaps others on the forums can make better suggestions or you can open a chat with LM to look at your particular environment, especially about choosing small/med/large.