Forum Discussion

Joe_Tran's avatar
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9 years ago

More report customization options to reduce report size

I'm attempting to pull a report of 400+ services using a wildcard filter for the service name (because of the limited grouping functionality of services) for the last calendar month but I'm being thwarted with "The report is too large, and can't be generated" error messages.

I really only need aggregate monthly values for each service in CSV format. The ability to more finely tune data sample intervals in report output would do much to reduce the reports size.

Or provide a way to produce reports of this size :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

Creating smaller

  • Hi Joe -

    We have a few things in motion. First and foremost, that report should be emailed if you receive that error, unless it is also too large for your email server to receive. I recommend contacting a tech. support via Chat with Engineer if you need assistance getting the data.

    In the meantime, we intend to add a few config options specifically for that report (such as the ability to not include graphs). We're also building a tool to enable you to upload a word doc with customizable macros so you can pull exactly the data you're looking for, in the context that matters. We have a few other things to get out the door first, but both features are high on our priority list.

    - Annie