Forum Discussion

Gary_Dewrell's avatar
12 years ago

Monitor Latency and IOPS on vSphere Datastores

We are the process of switching our network monitoring from Nimbus to Logic Monitor and came across a problem where LM could not report Latency or IOPS for vSphere Datastores without the purchase of an additional license from VMware. I can get this info from Nimbus without this license so it sure would seem like LM could do it also. For us, this is a pretty big deal. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


  • Looking at this, it does look like it is doable with counters without the Storage IO Control license.  I've got it working in our lab here. Want me to enable it in your LogicMonitor account (with no alerts to start with)?

  • All set. I will add some latency warning thresholds tomorrow.  Sorry this datasource wasn't written correctly - Ill update our core repository with this new one. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • Looking good Steve!. Got to say it. Logic Monitor has the best support in the world!!!

  • This new datasource (which does not depend on Storage IO control) is now our default for new accounts.rnExisting accounts can switch to it by importing the updated ESXDatastore- datasource from the core repository.