Map Features - Widget and ''All Alerts on Map'' Functionality
Here\'s a similar Map-related request which I believe this would be RELATIVELY easy to implement for the dev team because it would just require a modification of existing tools and pages. I also believe it would be broadly applicable and useful for MANY customers, and not require a lot of new administrative overhead to actually use.
Create a view (perhaps a dashboard) that shows ALL alerts on the map together. Of course, often times multiple hosts have alerts in a single location, resulting in a single PIN, so here you might want to render that pin with a label that indicates that shows \'\'Total Alerts by Severity\'\' beside each PIN. You could also colorize the PINS. All of this is possible with the google maps API, and a bit of new code on the placement of pins.
Also, I think maps make sense as a native part of the dashboards. Consider creating a new \'\'Map Widget\'\' which offers the features as shown above.
Just my thoughts!