Forum Discussion

Luke's avatar
6 years ago

LogicMonitor - Device count reporting

As an MSP, our usage of LogicMonitor increases as we onboard new customers, as part of operations management I need to be able to regularly rationalise and reconcile monitored objects per customer.  This allows better visibility into cost types and enables more detailed forecasting into when is appropriate to modify MSP tier level.

If our deployment of Logic for customers is organised into:
Resources ->
Devices ->
Customers -> 
<Customer Name> ->

Ideally the report would show three columns:
Customer Name (Device Group) -- Devices (numerical count) -- Cloud Resources (numerical count)



3 Replies

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  • #!/bin/sh
    /usr/bin/env curl $PROXY -s \
      "${USERN}&p=${PASSW}" | \
      grep -c '"type": "HOST",'

    so do that, set up a datasource to absorb the return value.

    Update the hostGroupId with the correct groupId.

    Note: I wrote this a very long time ago and some of the interfaces may have changed.

  • Hi Luke, 

    How often do you imagine you'd be running this report? 

    I'll message you to get further details.


  • Hi Will,

    Reported monthly would make the most sense, along with the normal LogicMonitor Usage Report.

