Forum Discussion

mnagel's avatar
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5 years ago

lmconfig control at device/group level

I have raised this numerous times with my CSM, account manager, etc. but it does not seem to be getting traction.  It is a lawsuit waiting to happen, so it really deserves attention.  Right now, the trigger for LMConfig is entirely arbitrary depending on who wrote which code.  Most often it is based on ssh.user and ssh.pass being defined in a device.  The problem with this is there are other reasons to have those properties (e.g., Err-Disabled port detection), so you can enable LMConfig across many devices and incur a large cost (especially with the new contract terms) without intent.  It should be required to check off an "Enable LMConfig" option at the device or group level, and similarly for any other premium feature.  Minimally, all the configsources should be changed to have a"enable_lmconfig" or similar property required in the Applies To logic.