Installing a collector on a Raspberry Pi 3(b)
Credit to Brandon McEarchern who helped significantly.
The main issue with installing the collector on a Raspberry Pi is it’s the ARM architecture.
Method 1
Install Java Package complied for ARM architecture. Some functions such as ping & Netflow will not work using this method. SNMP, Scripting, ESX, JDBC, JMX will function normally.
1) I used PiDora 25 Beta server build currently available from
Note Older version of Pidora available from NOOBS is designed for the Raspberry Pi 2 and I had issues installing on a Raspberry Pi 3b
2) Once Pidore is set up you may need to install Perl core. This can be down with the command
sudo dnf install perl-core
3) Install the Java environment for Fedora with the command
su -c "dnf install java-1.?.0-openjdk"
More information on Java Environment for Fedora can be found here
4) Next download the collector. Use the 64 bit Linux version.
Once downloaded add execution rights with the command
sudo chmod +x LogicMonitorSetup32_1.bin
5) Run the installer with the command
The install will unpack the Java Packages to /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java and then attempt to run which will test for 32/64 java and fail with an error message "Wrong bit version of installer? Please re-download the installer matches your OS bit version!".
6) Rename the LogicMonitor Java Packages. I used the command
sudo mv /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java_original
7) Link the Fedora Java Package to the original location for LogicMonitor using the command
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/java /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java
8) Re-run the scritp with the command
The script should install and configure the collector successfully this time. Verify the connection from the LogicMonitor Portal as normal and the Raspberry Pi should show as running after a few minutes.
9) Enable Java ping to override the Proxy in the Collector Configurations.
Method 2
Use Exagear 32bit emulation.
Exagear is 32bit emulation application for running x86 programs on ARM based computers and is available for around $30 USD. Ping and other features will function using this method as opposed to Method 1, but performance is severally degraded due to the limit resources of a Raspberry Pi.
This is the equvilent of running the collector in a virtual machine. installing the collector on top of Exagear is fairly straight forward.
Instructions to install
$ cd ~/Downloads/
Download the archive with ExaGear Desktop packages:
$ wget
Unpack downloaded archive:
$ tar -xvzpf exagear-desktop-rpi3.tar.gz
Install and activate ExaGear Desktop by running specifying a guest OS image in a directory with deb packages and one license key.
The install command for ubuntu is
sudo ./ ubuntu-1404
Install the LogicMonitor 32bit collector