Forum Discussion

DanAvni's avatar
8 years ago

Improve Import DataSources from Repository

Over time you add new data sources and update existing ones. On the same time I am changing filters, applies to and other settings on the same data sources to fine tune them to my needs.

In the import from LM repository list of changed data sources, I can see the difference in the data source but when I click import the imported data source overwrites my tweaks of the data source. which forces me to make a lot of manual work of writing on the side the existing settings (I often do not know what came from my tweaks and what as already built in) and then comparing these settings to the new imported data source

Please add an option to merge the new data source and the current version and import the merged version

  • 4 months later, any news? I have over 800 changed data sources in the LM repository and it would be a pain to handle in the current UI

  • This is in fact coming soon. We're overhauling the import process across all LogicModules, with the goals of making updates both easier to ingest into your account, and easier to merge with local changes. These improvements will be cooking for a few months more, but you should expect to see them after not too long. Stay tuned....

  • 13 hours ago, Matthew Dunham said:

    This is in fact coming soon. We're overhauling the import process across all LogicModules, with the goals of making updates both easier to ingest into your account, and easier to merge with local changes. These improvements will be cooking for a few months more, but you should expect to see them after not too long. Stay tuned....

    glad to hear this as well.  we really need this merge ability as well

  • Looking forward to the changes, and ability to view and merge differences.  This has been a pain point for me too.  I've had to clone DataSources to avoid, but then my cloned sources won't benefit from the updates.

  • Yup -- this has been painful as far back as when I was an LM customer a few years back. We're really excited to finally get to improve this area of the service.

  • Really hoping this includes the ability to link datasources together. We for example have cloned datasources for difference office types. so 3 of the snmp interfaces template for example would be able to be linked back to your master snmp interfaces template! letting us see and audit differences

  • Over 18 months have passed and still no word on this... Any news?

  • There's also some improvement that could be done on handling name collisions from LM Exchange. Right now there appear to be no guard-rails to prevent clobbering an existing LogicModule with a different one which is named the same. 

    Specific example: I was looking at this post a href="" rel="">

    and imported the first mentioned DataSource J7RGZY named "LogicMonitor_PortalMetrics". At the end of the thread there's another one mentioned, GJNN46 and I imported it to see how it differed. Nope!! The latter is also named "LogicMonitor_PortalMetrics" and importing it silently obliterated the first one. In this case they are different versions of the same DS but it could be a big problem if they were for completely different purposes but had the same name.

    Our portal is v123 and apparently there's some improvements in v124 for importing, but I feel that even showing a diff (like when updating from the Repository) wouldn't be enough protection. If it's different authors and/or Datapoint names I think the Import confirmation screen should have some big red warning message. Even better would be some option to import and have a different name, to allow trying out both. (Even just changing the name is enough to dissociate from the Exchange and make it an "Unpublished DataSource". That's annoying!)