Forum Discussion

Matt_Ham's avatar
5 years ago

Ignore trailing part of oid

Hello all,

I have a slight problem I'll try to explain as best I can.  In a nutshell I want to plot latency among our router's system-ip (think loopback)

I have an OID that begins: "" doing a walk on that will give values of our routers system-ip ( . example: 

$ !snmpwalk [redacted]
Walking OID from [redacted]:161 for version v3 with securityName=[redacted] authProto=MD5 authToken=***(10) privProto=AES privToken=***(10) pdu.timeout=5s walk.timeout=5s => =>

The OID for latency begins with "" doing a walk on that gives correct values for latency. example: 

 !snmpwalk [redacted]
Walking OID from [redacted]:161 for version v3 with securityName=[redacted] authProto=MD5 authToken=***(10) privProto=AES privToken=***(10) pdu.timeout=5s walk.timeout=5s => 83 => 82


If we compare the outputs we see where the problem comes in: => => 83

The 2nd to last group (sometimes the last 3), do not match so OID.##wildvalue## will not work.  12426 != 12386

What I need is a way to have ##wildvalue##.<ignore this> since the part will always match, and the last 3 groups could change.

Currently I have the datasource's SNMP OID parameter set to  this gives the correct instance data and breaks it out by system-ip.  But like i mentioned the ##wildvalue## does not work when trying to add as the datapoint to plot because of the different trailer oid sections.

Has anyone needed to do this before? If so, how was it done?

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  • I'm not sure if I follow but I don't see how you can setup an ignore since LM SNMP Datapoints just use GET requests only (afaik) which means it needs to know the exact OID to use. So if I understand correctly, can you do this? Setup Active Discovery to use using wildcard discovery. That will get you wildvalues of 12386, 62520, etc. Then have a DataPoint using a OID of ?

    The fact that the base ActiveDiscovery OID and the DataPoint OIDs are different are normal, or are you saying that the OID for Latency can have all sorts of different groups of numbers instead of just the last number changing? So that you need a wildvalue of more then just the last number? I might be misunderstanding since I've never seen OIDs that long before.

    Also at worse you can use scripting to do SNMP (see ) and make the wildvalue or the check itself whatever is needed, including using Walks.

  • I'll give that a shot thanks!  busy this week so it may take me a day or two but i'll report back.