Forum Discussion

Simon_O_Sulliva's avatar
11 years ago

Hyper-V monitoring

Hello would be good to have some Hyper-V monitoring (as detailed as VMware). Interesting things to monitor off the top of my head:

Replication Health


CPU wait per dispatch (Same is ESX CPU ready)

  • Also would be nice to see virtual machines under Hyper-V host, and monitor performance of virtual machines straight from host machine.

  • Glad you asked! Your account manager will be in touch to get the details we need to get this started for you.

  • I would like to second this

    getting indivdualized VM data sorted more obviously would be huge.

  • Hi going back on this topic, why we can't see Hyper-V Guest VM disk space utilization and is something possible with Vsphere VM guests on an esxi host.


  • I made a quick WMI datasource to get HyperV replication health stats.  It doesnt get all the stats we are looking for but it will tell you if replication is in warning or critical 

    Exchange:  42EJDM


    I'm looking to alert for Hyper-V snapshot/checkpoint age like there is for ESX snapshots (datapoint ESX VM Snapshots:age). 


    Thank you,

