Forum Discussion

Heather_Lasher's avatar
Former Employee
11 years ago

How do I download and install the Navisphere CLI Tool to Manage EMC Storage Devices?

I\'m posing this question to myself and answering it here, as I want a record of the information. Most of this information can be found in this PDF. In case the PDF goes away, I have reproduced most of it below, minus some of the screenshots.

Navisphere® CLI or NaviCLI is provided by EMC and used to manage their data storage systems.

Download the NaviCLI installer from the EMC web-site: You must have an account with EMC to login and download the software. If you have not registered on the EMC site, click the appropriate link under Create a New Account.


Navigate to the Home > Support > Software Downloads and Licensing > Downloads J-O > Navisphere Server Software.


On the Navisphere Server Software page, click on Show All Documents at the top right of the results pane.


Select and download the appropriate management pack for your collector computer -- Windows or Linux.If you are not downloading directly to your collector computer, transfer the binary to your collector and then install the software package.Install the package to the default location.

For windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\EMC\Navisphere CLI\.

For *nix: /opt/Navisphere/bin

During installation of the package, select Low for verification level.In your LogicMonitor portal, ensure you specify the following system properties for the EMC hosts you want to monitor:

* Define naviseccli.user with a value matching your username for the cli.

* Define naviseccli.pass with a value matching your username for the cli.

* Define system.categories with a value of emc.