Forum Discussion

Kristian_Krogh's avatar
9 years ago

Grouping collectors for performance increase

It would be great if I could assign a group of collectors for a device, instead of having to pin a device to a specific collector.

Example: I have 5 collectors running in a data center with 25 devices. For now I have assigned 5 devices per collector, but it is a hell to maintain, if I want to add a 6th collector ie.

Suggestion: Change "preferred collector" to ne a group, and let me group collectors. Then LogicMonitor can balance the load across collectors on the fly.

  • That is something we are considering, but in the interim - why so many collectors for so few hosts?

    One collector should easily handle 100 devices (unless they are all large NetApp arrays or vmware servers with hundreds of virtual machines).

    The approach we are taking for now is to make a collector able to handle hundreds of hosts, mostly negating the need for collector groups.

  • We have a similar request. 

    We have allocated two or more collectors per collector group depending on the number of devices that are monitored. We need a way to distribute the devices among the collectors in that group.