Forum Discussion

Mosh's avatar
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8 years ago

Group Level Clearance of Alerts of a DataSource/DataPoint

Please add an option to enable clearing of all alerts of a DataSource.  This should be possible at group level, i.e. the option enables immediate clearing of all alerts for a chosen DataSource/DataPoint at group level.  An option to do this globally would be useful too.

  • Hi Mosh - Can you give us a few more details re what you're looking to accomplish?  We could allow you to clear an alert, but if instance level thresholds exist the alert will just trigger again.  Are you looking to reset the thresholds for all instances from the group - and / or to clear group thresholds at a global level?

  • Hi Annie,

    If they re-trigger that is fine.  For example, we have 100 devices in a group and we want to sometimes clear all alerts of a particular type rather than wait or the next poll, which in some cases for us could be several minutes or longer.

  • Got it.  We'll continue to talk about it - while your use case makes sense, the notion is likely to cause confusion given our alert evaluation backend.  We'll continue to talk about it.  Thanks for the details.