Forum Discussion

jamiemurphyit's avatar
8 years ago

Groovy Defined Alert Messages & Subjects in datasources

We would like to be able to define a datapoint's alert message from groovy code.
This would allow us to do things like pull string based OID's from SNMP devices and use them in the alert, run sql queries against hosts and create an alert message that helps our NOC begin troubleshooting with detailed information.

2 Replies

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  • On 6/8/2017 at 1:41 AM, jamiemurphyit said:

    We would like to be able to define a datapoint's alert message from groovy code.
    This would allow us to do things like pull string based OID's from SNMP devices and use them in the alert, run sql queries against hosts and create an alert message that helps our NOC begin troubleshooting with detailed information.


    Yes, agreed.  See also my thoughts on that from earlier this year:


    I gave up waiting and built my own, but it is far from ideal since it only works for one alert target (via a custom integration).  Your method or mine would allow proper formatting of alerts in all cases.


  • Other tools I've used have had the ability to enrich/augment alerts on reception but before presentation.  LM is missing this capability.  I also want to be able to define logic to enrich alert messages before the alert is presented to the end user.  A simple lookup based on a key (device IP/display name + data source + instance, etc.) to select the template message, and then perform token replacement, would be a start.  The message template lookup would require a UI to maintain it.