Forum Discussion

MJones's avatar
9 years ago

Graph Line Datapoint Labels

It was suggested to us by LogicMonitor support to add the following request to the Community. Would like graph line datapoint labels to display specific datapoints.

In a dashboard if you hover over the graph line the label does not display the specific datapoint. 

For example we have created a single dashboard for multiple file servers and with multiple disk performance datapoints. However if you hover over the label for a particular graph line if shows ServerName_Logical Drive Performance-_T: (For example) but not the specific datapoint Eg. DiskWritesPerSec. 

Would be helpful etc if the display was, for example, ServerName_Logical Drive Performance-_T:DiskWritesPerSec

We have worked around this by creating multiple widgets (Widget title named as specific datapoint Eg. DiskWritesPerSec) showing indivdual datapoint data