Forum Discussion

Mosh's avatar
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6 years ago

Global 'Make Default' for Dashboards

Please add the ability to set a dashboard as the global default for all users so that when any user clicks the "Dash" menu option, they are taken to the default dashboard that the administrator sets.  We have a dashboard that we use as the landing page with HTML widgets, it acts as an index to other dashboards.  We want all users to be taken to this landing dashboard when they click the Dash menu option.


3 Replies

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  • I also like this idea but I would prefer to set this at the Role level (or have both options). As an MSP, we have lots of different customers in LM with different sets of dashboards but they all have an Executive dashboard as a starting point that would be nice as a default. It might also help at the role level if you want your Network team/role to jump straight to a Network overview dashboard or Help Desk to jump to a operations dashboard by default.


  • 5 hours ago, Mike Moniz said:

    I also like this idea but I would prefer to set this at the Role level (or have both options). As an MSP, we have lots of different customers in LM with different sets of dashboards but they all have an Executive dashboard as a starting point that would be nice as a default. It might also help at the role level if you want your Network team/role to jump straight to a Network overview dashboard or Help Desk to jump to a operations dashboard by default.


    Agreed -- same issue and this is one of the various areas that don't play well with multiple separate clients (others include monolithic config sections, like default service checkpoints, alert policy and escalation chains).  Adding the default dashboard to account/role settings would be very helpful.  And probably also solves your problem, @Mosh:)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">

  • Agreed, having at the role level works for me too!