Fast search for disabled Host Status check
LogicMonitor's Host Status DataSource is very important DataSource that provides notification of Host Down and we check that it's never disabled. It's a common thing I see were someone "just wants to check ping" and disabled all other DataSources including Host Status without realizing it's importance.
I've had a script that checks every device in the system in a loop and verifies none of them are disabled. It basically runs a REST call /device/devices/{ID}/devicedatasources?filter=dataSourceName:HostStatus for each device and checks alertDisableStatus and stopMonitoring. With thousands of devices this takes a long time and I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to get this information any quicker? Some way to query multiple/all devices at once perhaps?
I tried looking at from the DataSource side (/setting/datasources/) but it doesn't provide that information.