Forum Discussion
6 years agoThis is posted with no warranty. Use at your own risk. Don't test it in a production environment:
# Requires "Credential Manager 2.0" Import-Module credentialmanager function test-credential { param ( $credential ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement $DS = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext('domain') write-output "$($DS.ValidateCredentials($cred.UserName,$cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password))" } function get-creds { param ( $credName = "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME" ) if ( $credName -eq "list" ) { # Select stored user from a list $credentials = Get-StoredCredential | ogv -PassThru } else { # Check for Stored Credentials $credentials = Get-StoredCredential | ? username -eq $credName } if ( $credentials.count -eq 1 ) { # Test to make sure creds work before moving forward if ( test-credential $credentials[0] ) { # They work, return the credentials write-output $credentials[0] } else { # They don't work, have the user update the password $cred = Get-Credential ` -UserName $credName ` -Message "Please update your password" # Test to verify the new creds work if ( test-credential -credential $cred ) { # Update stored cred and return the credentials Remove-StoredCredential ` -Target $credName New-StoredCredential ` -Target $credName ` -UserName $cred.UserName ` -Password $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password write-output $cred } else { # Updated creds failed, return FALSE write-output $false } } } else { # Need fresh creds to store for future use $cred = Get-Credential ` -UserName $credName ` -Message "Enter account password" # Test to verify the new creds work if ( test-credential -credential $cred ) { # Store cred and return the credentials New-StoredCredential ` -Target $credName ` -UserName $cred.UserName ` -Password $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password write-output $cred } else { # creds failed, return FALSE write-output $false } } } $Computer = "<1st-Hop Computer>" $TestComputer = "<2nd-Hop Computer>" # This was tested with a 'Domain.local' type of domain $domain = "<Domain>" $FQDN = "$Computer.$domain" # These credentials need to have access to both computers # (assumed, not tested - based on my understanding of the CredSSP token auth process) $cred = get-creds #region Enable-CredSSPDelegation # write-host "" $sessionRemote = New-PSSession $Computer # write-host "get wsmancredssp from remote/delegate" $remoteSetting = Invoke-Command ` -Session $sessionRemote ` -ScriptBlock { Get-WSManCredSSP } # write-host "set wsmancredssp on remote" Invoke-Command ` -Session $sessionRemote ` -ScriptBlock { Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force } # write-host "set wsmancredssp on local with remote as delegate" Start-Process powershell.exe ` -Verb runas ` -ArgumentList "-command & {Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer $FQDN -Force}" # write-host "Connecting WSMan to remote" Connect-WSMan $FQDN Set-Item WSMan:\$FQDN\Service\Auth\CredSSP -Value $True sleep 15 # write-host "Starting CredSSP session" $workingSession = New-PSSession ` -ComputerName $FQDN ` -Authentication Credssp ` -Credential $cred #endregion write-host "--- Starting Processing ---" # This just looks for the print spooler service on the 2nd-Hop Computer # It runs the invoke-command on the 1st-Hop Computer to do so # This Scriptblock is where the payload goes Invoke-Command ` -session $workingSession ` -ScriptBlock { get-service *spool* -ComputerName $TestComputer } write-host "--- Finished Processing ---" #region Disable-CredSSPDelegation # write-host "Close Session" Remove-PSSession -Session $workingSession # write-host "Disconnecting WSMan from remote" Set-Item WSMan:\$FQDN\Service\Auth\CredSSP -Value $False Disconnect-WSMan $FQDN # write-host "set wsmancredssp from local back to initial settings" Start-Process powershell.exe ` -Verb runas ` -ArgumentList "-command & {Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client}" # write-host "set wsmancredssp from remote/delegate back to initial settings" if ( $remoteSetting -like "*is not configured*" ) { Invoke-Command ` -Session $sessionRemote ` -ScriptBlock { Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server } } Remove-PSSession -Session $sessionRemote #endregion
No, I'm not OCD, what makes you think that? I like neat vertical lines I can follow for reference in my code. This all collapses very nicely in Powershell ISE.
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