Forum Discussion

Mahdi_Hedhli's avatar
11 years ago

Enhanced ConnectWise/PSA Integration

ConnectWise (and most modern PSA) APIs allow for two way communication. It would be very helpful if ACK or Clearing of Alerts triggered actions in ConnectWise tickets. For example, an ACK could update the status to in progress and/or even assign it to a user, comments could be added to the ticket.

Also, multiple alerts for the same item could be child tickets or additional comments on the ticket.

Lastly, it would be very helpful to set custom statuses on emails based on certain conditions.

I was really hoping for a richer integration similar to how our RMM works.

  • Diving into this topic a bit deeper, it would be a huge value add, particularly for MSPs, if you had billing integration with Connectwise as well. For example, we have some products that integrate with CW for billing based on quantity/units or amounts. If LM users are selling or reselling your monitoring solution as a standalone product or service, a group can be linked to a client ID. As they add monitored resources, it send this value into CW. In CW we build out products or agreements, link them to the customers, which then reads the value/multiple from the LMCW integration and automatically populates the invoice wizard.

  • Has there been any update to this request? Having Connectwise be able to handle 2-way communication would be great.

    Also, having the person who acknowledged an alert, being automatically assigned to the Connectwise ticket as a resource.