Disabling VMware WMI Performance Logging - Does it affect LogicMonitor?
We have all of our VMs monitored with LogicMonitor which does a good job gathering details from our VMs. However, we have VMware tools installed on all VMs and leave WMI Performance Logging enabled. This VMware tools feature ends up generating a ton of events: 256 and 258 which reference vmGuestLibrary vmStatsProvider alerts. This is just standard behavior of VMware tools since it is pulling logging details in and creates these events.
What I am trying to determine is if I can safely disable this WMI performance logging and allow LogicMonitor to still do the WMI calls, and if there is any impact. I am not sure if LogicMonitor relies on this WMI performance logging anyway since I believe it is gathering data directly from Windows and doesn't care that VMware tools is generating anything.
Anyone have any insight on this?