11 years ago
Disable ack emails
We would like the ability to disable the emails that are sent when people \'ack\' an alert, as these end up generating new tickets in our ticketing system, which results in a waste of our time havi...
So, firstly, apologies that this has taken so long to get to...rnWhat I would like to do in the short term is to simply make the Suppress Alert Clear option also suppress the Ack and SDT messages. So if this is selected (and probably renamed something like Suppress alert status updates) an alert will still escalate (through multiple stages); an increase in severity will still be sent; but messages regarding Acks, SDTs and clears will not. rnTo my mind these are logically similar. If you do not want a notification of an alert ending (so you no longer have to deal with it), you probably also do not want to know that someone put it in SDT, or Acked, so you also do not have to deal with it.rnSo this does not address people that use the first stage for ticketing systems, but should cover most other use cases. Feedback?