2 minutes ago, Jamie said:
This is very nice, and it also solves the issue of not alarming when the interface is admin down. Can I make a suggestion of not calling the Operational Status "StatusRaw" and just using OperState (similar to AdminState)?
When will this be deployed to core?
I had to solve this in one portal by creating a complex datapoint in the original DS (I still need to take a look at the revised DS in this thread). Getting that combined state is harder than you might expect because of a silly design flaw in the DP expression language -- there is neither a 'not' operator nor a 'neq' operator. So in mine, to know that something is admin up and oper "not up", I have 'ActualStatus' calculated as "and(eq(AdminStatus,1),eq(Status,2))" instead of the more correct "and(eq(AdminStatus,1),neq(Status,1))". Simple to fix in the language interpreter I am sure, but I am not holding my breath. The one I did works well enough, though, so I can get reliable alerts for unexpected ports down on core devices.