Cluster Alerts - Exclude hosts in SDT
Cluster alerts are triggered, even for hosts/datsources that are in Scheduled Down Time
It should be possible to exclude hosts / datasources instances that are in Scheduled Down Time, from be considered when Cluster Alert conditions are evaluated.
It may be expected that a host breaches a threshold due to the type of work being done.
Alert emails are sent to our support system. We use cluster alerts to log tickets into our support system if one or more hosts in a group are in breach of a threshold i.e. have high memory/CPU usage or a port is down. As the issue always has the same root cause, we only want one ticket raising - not 10 so we set \'\'Suppress individual alerts\'\' and set the threshold to >= 1 host.
If a host/datasource instance is in SDT, we don\'t need to investigate the alert it raises.