Forum Discussion

thanh_rodke's avatar
11 years ago

Click on a line in a custom graph to make it hide

You know would totally be the bomb? Being able to click a line in a graph and make it hide, similar to the way you can click a server name and hide that line from the graph.

Business case:

When you have a graph that has more than a dozen or so datasources shown, you have no clue which of the hundred lines represents what server. That could be a graph as simple as disk space or memory used on a dozen servers.

It is also very valuable for busy graphs, like CPU charts and things that the data is all over the place. This is also troublesome when many of the values are similar.

In the case of the attached screenshot, the servers that have disk space that is climbing rapidly is mostly overrun by servers with consistent disk space usage, then just happen to be painted later in the graph. (Customer names blurred out).

2 Replies

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  • So this is done in the new UI (you can currently see it in dashboards - coming soon to hosts).rnIts two clicks - once to click the line (which brings up the legend, with an ISOLATE option). Then you can either isolate the lines you clicked on (only show them) or click their legends to hide them.

  • I agree, and its a great feature!rnThank you very much for implementing this option!