Forum Discussion

DBA_Troy's avatar
8 years ago

Building Dashboards takes FOREVER

Dashboards are a fantastic feature, but the way the widgets and data source graphs snap is a huge inconvenience. Everything shifts up/down, nothing shifts left/right. If I make a grid of widgets that runs left-to-right (say each row is a server), it makes adding a new server to the bottom very simple. It (however) makes adding a new metric column a HUGE pain in the butt. If I want to add a new column to the left (for each server - like a new metric), I have to move EVERY.SINGLE.GRAPH in the whole dashboard to make it all line up...

I think a FAR better approach would be to have the dashboard grid simulate the face of a smartphone. If I move a widget above another, it should shift down (like it does). If I move it to the left, it should shift right, not down!  This would make designing an organized dashboard SO much easier (I've literally spent hours just adding a single metric across all our dashboards because of this stunting behavior).

P.S. - also consider giving the ability to bucketize groups of graphs. Giving me a colored backdrop to put behind all my CPU metrics or all of my metrics regarding ServerX would be a nice visual aesthetic.

  • Both of those (treating the grid as columns/rows and visually grouping graphs) are good ideas and we'll take them into consideration for future releases. Thanks!