10 years ago
Better collection process
I realize this may be asking for a complete re-architecture, but I find the process of the active discovery / multi-instance collection to be highly inefficient, at least when it comes to scripting...
On 3/9/2016 at 0:21 PM, Sarah Terry said:We actually have a new BatchScript collection method for exactly this purpose - you can find documentation on it here: http://www.logicmonitor.com/support/datasources/data-collection-methods/batchscript-data-collection/
Great, so does that support powershell directly or no? Meaning would I need to write a batch script that would execute a powershell script, or can I tell this collection to run powershell script native?
Additionally, it would be helpful if whoever wrote that wiki also included an example of the script they used for AD/Collection so that we can understand if parameters were needed and what not. The original powershell "how to" was great because it included scripting examples.