Forum Discussion

Angel's avatar
8 years ago

Bandwidth report on all LAN IP's

I need to have a report setup to give me an analysis from netflow. I currently only see top talkers but would like it to show all IP users on the LAN. Spoke to support and they asked me to ask here. 

7 Replies

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  • Anonymous's avatar

    Thanks for posting. Out of curiosity, what is the use the case for getting all IP users on the LAN? Are you looking for bandwidth usage by all or just a list?

  • For all. My customer has a need to know all IP addresses and bandwidth they use. Similar to Solarwinds dashboard shows.

  • Did this get resolved, or die?  I would also like a complete report.  

  • No response to this. I assume they are working hard to do this.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    We are looking into improving our reporting, but we don't have anything in development at the moment. I will circle back here once we do.

  • Yes, the netflow top talkers is confusing at times. It would be nice to be able to set some filters on what instances (interface) to include for certain reports so we can hone in on data.

  • Filters were added to NetFlow recently.  You can now choose 'Top 100'. At this point their are no plans to create a report of ALL LAN IPs. Perhaps if more customers request it.