Forum Discussion

Cdubz's avatar
9 years ago

Bandwidth Report for multiple WAN instances

Hi LM Community,

My first post here! Hello to all!

I'm looking for a method to create a bandwidth report for all of my WAN interfaces only that are currently configured.. SNMP is activated on all of these devices. As of now the pre-built BW report can pull on a specific device, however that will show me all of the instances, and not just the single WAN instance I'm looking to report on. End game I'm trying to create a automated repeatable report that I can deliver to my client which shows usages of the circuits (Min/Max/Average) on one report. Decent size network, so we're talking around approx. 60 WAN instances.

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this? I've played around a lot thus far, but I can only find a way to do what I want without a TON of manual work each time.

Thanks, much appreciated!

  • Apologies for taking so long to get you answer.  

    I would use the Device Metric Trends report for a timeframe you are interested in.  This report is much more customizable than almost any other, and you'll be able to pick out each interface you want to use.  It supports glob matching too, so if your interfaces are named accordingly you might be able to isolate them with a pattern.  If not, you may need to specify each interface... which could require some manual effort to create the report.   

    To your point of wanting to minimize manual effort (hooray for automation!), it might be easiest to isolate the WAN interface per device using a special datasource that filters just for that specific interface (by description, or something similar).  Then you could simply make a Device Metric Trends report that doesn't need instances specified.  This solution also has the advantage of letting you do global alert thresholds for your WAN interfaces.  Probably you have already tuned these but just in case, this would likely be easier if multiple devices are involved.

    I assume you want to see actual bandwidth and not circuit utilization?  If it is circuit utilization, that is different than interface utilization.  We have a way of limiting reported speed for circuits, so please reply if this is what you're looking for.

    Hope this helps,


  • Chris, Is there a plan to simply update the interface bandwidth report - or a similar new report style - that would allow for interface choice?  +1 if we could do percentage as well as a column.

    The Metric Report is great for the choice of interface and datapoint, but each datapoint being per row instead of an Average per column makes the report cumbersome to digest without post processing.



  • Thaddeus,

    Question- When you did Device Metric Trends, did you try looking at a group of devices?  Or perhaps creating a datasource to help with isolating instances to a particular set  ("wan only") as a way to make feeding the report easier?  I feel like there's a way to get what you want- we just need to uncover the solution.  There's probably room for Product/Report improvement given your question, but I also want to help find a solution to help *now*.     

    "Feedback" from the (bottom right side) Reports tab would be your friend here.  If the existing report doesn't meet your needs, and Device Metric Trends Report can't solve it either, we can certainly try to make it better.  I'm not on the Product team so I can't give you direct ETA for this feature, but I can tell you that our team reviews each and every feedback request received.

    Sorry for the delayed reply, I've turned on auto-updates so I'll see when you post here again.  I'm happy to look at this in more detail with you if you want.  

