autodiscovery without templates is dangerous
This may be a repeat (perhaps even my own repeat), but I ran into this again today and it is a great example of why AD without device template support is dangerous. Failing to discover things that SHOULD be there is dangerous. Simple example from a Cat3750E stack:
CMD: show env power all [timeout = 10]
SW PID Serial# Status Sys Pwr PoE Pwr Watts
-- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ------- ------- -----
1A C3KX-PWR-715WAC LIT15300J86 OK Good Good 715/0
1B C3KX-PWR-715WAC LIT15300J7Y OK Good Good 715/0
2A C3KX-PWR-715WAC LIT15300JRQ OK Good Good 715/0
2B C3KX-PWR-715WAC LIT15300JPS OK Good Good 715/0
3A C3KX-PWR-715WAC LIT15420XAB OK Good Good 715/0
3B Not Present