11 years ago
Allow NESTED Dashboards
I would like to be able to create dashboards where I have the option to create sub-dashboards that I can navigate to. In some of our dashboards, the number of charts or widgets can be high and wou...
I'm currently trying to make a customer facing dashboard that inventories their VM status in a NOC view, then when one is clicked on, rather than going to the resource page (they don't need that much detail) takes them to a dashboard for that resource with specific info on it (CPU, MEM, DISK, etc.).
This would be a very helpful feature to add. Perhaps with the ability to define data that gets passed from one dashboard to another to be access with a ##variable## in the sub-dashboard. This would allow the click to pass the ##system.displayname## for instance to allow it to show the data from whatever you're looking for (resource or resource group, specific DataPoint, etc.).