Alert Routing Rules Wizard
Creating a rule is straight forward but it becomes risky and difficult to manage as we grow our organization or implement new systems and services. It can also be time consuming for someone not familiar with the \'\'Alert Rules\'\' process, it can get messy and easy to break very quickly! :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I think it would be awesome and super hand to have the ability on the Host tab to be able to adjust the Alert routing for a host, group, or for a \'data source in a host or group\'. with a few clicks.
An Example, if I am working on a new host, to be able to get it added to LM and add it to the right groups I\'m on the host tab.. if I want those alerts to go to a different team for a while until we get the server ready for prime time I have to go to the alerts tab and figure out how to make a rule that doesn\'t break other rules. BUT if I could just set from that host or data source, all these alerts go to the \'X\' escalation policy, that would be super slick saving us time and easy to manage.